Implementation of e-PR System


Frequently Asked Questions


1.                  If I am unable to secure an appointment slot in the lead up to the implementation of the e-PR system, what should I do?

The e-PR system will allow applicants to submit their PR applications online, without the need to make a trip to ICA Building for an appointment with ICA. If you are unable to obtain an appointment prior to 18 December 2017, you can submit your application online from 18 December 2017 onwards, when the e-PR system is implemented.


2.                  What if I do not have access to the Internet or do not know how to use the online system, can I still submit my application over the counter after the implementation of the e-PR system?

From 18 December 2017, all PR applications must be submitted online via e-PR for ICA’s assessment. If you do not have ready access to the Internet, you may wish to consider submitting your application online at public places where internet connection is available. You can refer to the user guide on e-PR on ICA’s website for more information on how to complete and submit the application form online.  


3.                  Is it better for me to wait for the new system before I submit my application?

If you have already secured an appointment slot, you can continue to submit your application on the allocated date. Otherwise, you can submit a PR application via the e-PR system when it is launched, without the need to make an appointment.


4.                  I have already made an appointment. Will the appointment be affected by the new system?

If you have already secured an appointment, you can submit your applications over the counter on the appointment date. Your appointment slot will be forfeited if you fail to turn up for the appointment. No new appointment slots will be available.


5.                  When will ICA stop the release of appointment slots?

ICA will not be releasing any additional appointment slots, beyond what has already been released.


6.                  Do I need a SingPass/2FA to access this e-service?

Yes, you will require SingPass/2FA to access this e-service.


7.                  Will there be any change to the assessment criteria for PR application?

The assessment criteria for PR application remain unchanged. Applicants will have to satisfy the prevailing eligibility requirements for the grant of Singapore PR.


8.         Why is there an introduction of the processing fee?

The introduction of the processing fee is to manage the rising operating costs of processing PR applications.


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