Quotation Award Notice for provision of new aircon units for the Singapore Embassy

05 Jul 2022

Quote Schedule for provision of new aircon units for the Singapore Embassy

Quotation period: 19-29 April 2022

Name of Supplier/Vendor

Total Bid Price

Doan Gia JSC Company

VND 1,164,116,394

SPS Company

VND 849,117,600


Quotation Award Notice for provision of new aircon units for the Singapore Embassy

Contract Period: This Contract shall commence with effect from the date of signing and shall remain in force in the manner specified in the Contract until the Goods and/or Services as specified in the Contract have been fully performed and delivered by the Contractor.

Contract Awarded to:

Vendor Name

Total Bid Price

Doan Gia JSC Company

VND 1,164,116,394


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