24 Jan 2025

To all Potential Suppliers


1             You are invited by the Government of the Republic of Singapore as represented by the Embassy of the Republic of Singapore in Jakarta, Indonesia under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Singapore (“Authority”), to participate in this Invitation to Quote (“ITQ”) for Provision of Design Concept and Furniture for the Singapore Official Residence.


            This ITQ contains the following:


  1. Annex A – Covering Letter
  2. Annex B – Instructions to Potential Suppliers
  3. Annex C – Quotation Conditions of Contract
  4. Annex D – Requirement Specification (incl Price Schedule & Evaluation Criteria)
  5. Annex E – Sample Quotation of Form of Agreement


2            All terms referred to in this ITQ shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Conditions of Contract, unless otherwise defined herein or the context otherwise requires.


3            A mandatory site visit and briefing will be conducted on 4 February 2025 at 1000hrs (Jakarta time) at the Singapore Official Residence. To register, please contact Mr Glenn Timman, Senior Facilities Manager, at +62 819 5244 0960 or email


4            Your Quotation must be fully completed and submitted in accordance with this ITQ. You are advised to read carefully all documents enclosed in this ITQ. All quotation offers shall be submitted to the Singapore Embassy by hand, in a sealed envelope to Jl. HR Rasuna Said Block X/4 Kav No.2, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950. The subject “Provision of Design Concept and Furniture for the Singapore Official Residence” shall be clearly indicated on the envelope. All quotations shall be submitted to the Embassy no later than Monday, 24 February 2025, 1700hrs (Jakarta Time).


5            You shall be deemed to have read this letter and fully understood the following documents, which constitute integral components of the Quote and shall comply with all the terms and conditions specified therein.


6             Interested parties and enquiries shall be made in writing to Mr Glenn Timman.

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