Taxes and Import Duties

Under Singapore laws, arriving travellers need to pay taxes to bring in cigarettes or other tobacco products, liquor products or other taxable goods exceeding the duty-free concession and Goods and Services Tax (GST) relief. Visit the Singapore Customs website for more information.

Import of Medication/Health Products

The Health Sciences Authority regulates the manufacturing, importation and distribution of medicines and medical devices in Singapore. For more information on the current regulatory requirements for medicines brought into Singapore for personal use, please view the guidance document for travelers bringing personal medications into Singapore.

Import, Export and Transshipment of Animals/Pets 

The import, export and transshipment of animals is regulated by the Animal & Veterinary Service (AVS) of Singapore’s National Parks Board. AVS safeguards the health and welfare of animals to ensure that Singapore remains free from animal diseases of economic and public health importance as well as works closely with partners in the veterinary and animal-related industries to strengthen capacities and enhance competencies in animal health and welfare. For more details on the import to, export from and transshipment of animals in Singapore, please visit the AVS website.

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