Notice regarding Tropical Storm Harvey 30 August 2017

30 Aug 2017

Tropical Storm Harvey made landfall west of Cameron, Louisiana just before dawn on 30 August 2017.  Although Harvey is weakening as it moves further inland, the National Hurricane Center has warned that flooding will continue in Houston, and that heavy rains spreading northeastward from Louisiana into western Kentucky may lead to flash flooding.

Singaporeans travelling to or residing in the affected States are advised to take the necessary precaution for their personal safety, including heeding the instructions of the local authorities, and monitoring local news.  Singaporeans are also encouraged to keep your family and friends updated on your welfare.  For the latest information on the storm, please visit the National Weather Service website at and the National Hurricane Center website at

Singaporeans who require consular assistance may contact the Singapore Embassy in Washington D.C., or the 24-hour Ministry of Foreign Affairs Duty Office in Singapore at:


Singapore Embassy in Washington D.C.

Emergency contact: +1 (202) 537-3100


Ministry of Foreign Affairs Duty Officer (24-hours)

Telephone: +65 6379-8800 / 6379-8855



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